Light aircraft parked in a hangar

Regulation and EASA Charter

EASA logo

A clear European regulation

Flight sharing is fully legal in the European Union according to the European Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 and it has been confirmed by the EASA itself in this letter. Private pilots are allowed to share their flights and costs with passengers in non-complex aircraft carrying no more than 6 persons including the pilot, and are allowed to advertise these flights. It is illegal for pilots to make any profit, however it is possible for them to share the direct costs of the flight.

Four smiling people in the cockpit of a light aircraft

Following the EASA Charter

We are proud to have signed a Safety Charter with the EASA. This Charter has been developed in cooperation with the European Aviation Safety Agency in order to promote the safety of non-commercial General Aviation flights in light aircrafts. By signing this Charter, Wingly commits to adhering to its principles, responsibilities and values.

Pilot Checklist for Wingly passenger handling

The European Aviation Safety Agency has built a Pilot Checklist of the necessary steps for pilots to follow when communicating to passengers about safety and logistics. The checklist is of interest to both pilots and passengers as it's aim is to ensure that pilots and passengers can share the flight in the safest conditions possible.

The Civil Aviation Authorities

The CAA is very supportive of Wingly’s activities, helping pilots advertise cost shared flights and promote light aviation. An official validation letter from the CAA addressed to Wingly specifically assures users of its valid legal status. The CAA Order 1188 General Exception E4277, allows cost-sharing in the same way that EASA does.

Wingly Pro flights

Wingly Pro flights are commercial flights offered by Air transport operators that hold an Air Operators Certificate and possibly an Air Transport Licence, or an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) / Designated Training Organisation (DTO).

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