

Registered since May 2022

Verified by Wingly

Private pilot

A private individual flying in their own free time who contributes to the total price through cost sharing.

Flight Log

170 total flying hours • 100 flight hours in the last 12 months

About Shaun

Hello, I am a helicopter pilot based in the South West. I often fly out of Gloucester airport in a Robinson R22 2 seater helicopter and a Robinson R44 4 seater helicopter. I trained at one of the best schools in the country, JK Helicopters and have stuck with them ever since. I am currently doing my commercial pilot exams and building hours. Flights include anything from a local site seeing trip, to a land-away at neighboring airfields including the famous Shobdon WW2 grass strip. I enjoy trips over Cheddar Gorge/Bath and down to the south coast taking in the breath taking scenery of the Jurassic coastline. Weston Super Mare is another popular destination and the Helicopter Museum is also a great land away destination. There is no better way to see our beautiful country and the helicopter is like a magic carpet ride. It offers the most breathtaking views and is an experience like no other.

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