We are Europe's leading flight sharing platform

Trusted by many flight and adventure enthusiasts

  • 6k

    flights available

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  • 2.9k

    verified pilots

How does it work?

  1. 1

    Search for your ideal flight

    Browse through our 6000 sightseeing flights or excursions to find the perfect experience.

  2. 2

    Proceed to booking

    Send a flight request and receive an answer from the pilot within 48 hours.

  3. 3

    Discover the world from a bird's eye perspective

    Meet your pilot at the airfield and let him guide you through an unforgettable experience.

Why not offering a Gift card voucher?

Printed gift card
  • Quick and easy

    Receive the gift card directly via email in less than 2 minutes

  • Flexibility

    Usable on the date of your choice on any Wingly flight

  • Validity

    Valid for one year and renewable during the validity period

Our passengers' amazing reviews

Fly over Southampton

Whether you're a frequent flyer or be it your first flight, Wingly offers unforgettable aeroplane and helicopter flight experiences over Southampton. We offer excursion flights to the nearby Isle of Wight, famous for its vintage beach huts and its 19th Century lighthouse, which guards the huge white chalk rocks known as the Needles. Prefer a sightseeing flight? Then fly over the beautiful New Forest, which is one of the largest remaining pasture lands of the UK. A one way flight to Southampton gives you the opportunity to experience the city's thriving nightlife and coastal views from both the ground and the sky. You could even ride the Shetland ponies in the neighbouring New Forest national park!

Airfields close to Southampton

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