We are Europe's leading flight sharing platform

Trusted by many flight and adventure enthusiasts

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    verified pilots

How does it work?

  1. 1

    Search for your ideal flight

    Browse through our 6000 sightseeing flights or excursions to find the perfect experience.

  2. 2

    Proceed to booking

    Send a flight request and receive an answer from the pilot within 48 hours.

  3. 3

    Discover the world from a bird's eye perspective

    Meet your pilot at the airfield and let him guide you through an unforgettable experience.

Why not offering a Gift card voucher?

Printed gift card
  • Quick and easy

    Receive the gift card directly via email in less than 2 minutes

  • Flexibility

    Usable on the date of your choice on any Wingly flight

  • Validity

    Valid for one year and renewable during the validity period

Our passengers' amazing reviews

Fly over Isle of Wight

Just a short trip over the sea from England's south coast. you will reach the stunning Isle of Wight. Millions of holidaymakers flock here every year and for very good reason: with spectacular landmarks such as The Needles, the renowned Isle of Wight Festival, and an abundance of activities to enjoy, the island is unrivalled as a top British holiday destination. Truly one of the most beautiful spots in the UK, flying over the Isle of Wight is a must-do experience...it's actually one of Wingly's most popular flight destinations!

Airfields close to Isle of Wight

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