We are Europe's leading flight sharing platform

Trusted by many flight and adventure enthusiasts

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    verified pilots

How does it work?

  1. 1

    Search for your ideal flight

    Browse through our 6000 sightseeing flights or excursions to find the perfect experience.

  2. 2

    Proceed to booking

    Send a flight request and receive an answer from the pilot within 48 hours.

  3. 3

    Discover the world from a bird's eye perspective

    Meet your pilot at the airfield and let him guide you through an unforgettable experience.

Why not offering a Gift card voucher?

Printed gift card
  • Quick and easy

    Receive the gift card directly via email in less than 2 minutes

  • Flexibility

    Usable on the date of your choice on any Wingly flight

  • Validity

    Valid for one year and renewable during the validity period

Our passengers' amazing reviews

Fly over Humber Bridge

The Humber bridge situated halfway along the Humber Estuary and is a remarkable technical prowess to be admired. It's stretches 1.38 miles and ranked the longest of any suspension bridges after its completion in 1981, until 20 years after its construction. It has become an iconic landmark in the North East due to its immense size and is visible from miles away. Although experiencing it from the road is memorable, seeing it from the sky is the best. Get onboard a Wingly flight to fully enjoy the beauty of this technical marvel like never before. In a plane or a helicopter, our private local pilots will show you every angle and make sure your sightseeing flight will be memorable.

Airfields close to Humber Bridge

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