Vol en Avion de Chasse - Mission Immersion

1 passenger max. • 35m flight time Aero Vodochody L-39 Albatros

Sightseeing flight

You will fly from Dijon and come back. Enjoy the beautiful landscapes along the way.

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Commercial operator

The operator is a professional partner operating commercial flights with certified pilots as part of our Wingly Pro offering.

From 3.580 € per person



Vivez une journée dans la peau d'un pilote de chasse, vous êtes intégré au sein d'une patrouille de 3 à 4 avions. Découvrez les sensations uniques du vol en avion de chasse et de la troisième dimension. Explorez le domaine de vol à haute performance et découvrez les sensations de voler dans un jet de formation militaire, piloté par un instructeur expérimenté et en patrouille serrée. Au programme: Accueil/petit déjeuner, Equipement combinaison de vol, casque de vol, Décollage en formation, Voltig...

About the operator

Registered since 2023

Verified by Wingly

Our team has thoroughly checked the pilots license and medical certificate.

Commercial operator

The operator is a professional partner operating commercial flights with certified pilots as part of our Wingly Pro offering.

Opérateur professionnel de patrouilles acrobatiques depuis 1982, faites-nous confiance pour une expérience inoubliable. Nous sommes la référence dans le domaine des patrouilles acrobatiques privées et nous accumulons plus de 15.000 heures de vol réalisées sur 4 continents !

Offer a personalized gift

Gift your loved ones a unique experience in a private aircraft

  • Choose a specific flight for a more personalised gift
  • Valid for one year and renewable during the validity period
  • The receiver can use the gift card value on any flight
Gift this flight

Things to know

Total experience time

The total experience time is 1h 30m as it includes briefings and 35m for flying.


Good weather conditions are required for this flight to take place. The pilot may need to postpone or cancel your booking.

Cancellation policy

Once the booking has been accepted by the operator, the flight cannot be cancelled nor refunded.

What to bring

Feel free to bring your camera and sunglasses onboard.

Frequently asked questions

From 3.580 € per person

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