Ausflug nach Salzburg ab Wien-Schwechat

3 passengers max. • 3h 30m flight time Cessna TR182

Excursion flight

You will fly from Wien to Salzburg to enjoy your time there, then you will fly back.

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Private pilot

A private individual flying in their own free time who contributes to the total price through cost sharing.

From 1.055 € per person



Von Flughafen Wien Schwechat aus geht es direkt zum Flughafen Salzburg. Dort kann ein wunderschöner und unvergesslicher Tag oder auch mehrere Tage verbracht werden. Der Flug ist aufgrund der hohen Landegebühren in Wien so teuer. Alternative wären Wiener Neustadt oder Bad Vöslau. Auch längere Urlaub (z.B. verlängertes Wochenende, mehrere Wochen etc) sind kein Problem. Flug ist abhängig von der Wetterlage und der maximalen Zuladung. Flugzeit ist vom Wind abhängig. Bitte vor dem Flug mich über das...

Flight plan

Sightseeing points
Traunsee, Österreich
Mondsee, Österreich

Meet your pilot Christof

Registered since 2019

Verified by Wingly

Our team has thoroughly checked the pilots license and medical certificate.

Private pilot

A private individual flying in their own free time who contributes to the total price through cost sharing.

Flight Log

420 total flying hours • 120 flight hours in the last 12 months

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  • Choose a specific flight for a more personalised gift
  • Valid for one year and renewable during the validity period
  • The receiver can use the gift card value on any flight
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Things to know

Total experience time

The total experience time is 3h 30m as it includes briefings and 3h 30m for flying.


Good weather conditions are required for this flight to take place. The pilot may need to postpone or cancel your booking.

Cancellation policy

You can cancel up to 24 hours before the flight date.

What to bring

Feel free to bring your camera and sunglasses onboard.

Allianz logo

We've got you covered

All Wingly flights are automatically covered by our Allianz insurance for claims up to €1,000,000. This covers all passengers and their belongings.

Learn more about the insurance

Frequently asked questions

From 1.055 € per person

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