Guimbal models on Wingly

Guimbal models

Guimbal models

Guimbal is one of the newest makes of helicopters. It is a French manufacturer which was founded in 2000 by Bruno Guimbal.

The company took a while to get going. It was only 8 years after its creation that Guimbal managed to finish cunstructing its first aircraft. However, suddenly activity began to take place at a quicker rate and many more models were produced.

The centerpiece of Guimbal is the Cabri G2. This small two-seater is particularly light and very modern. It has succeeded in dethroning the Robinson (the R22 in this case) and today it holds more than 40% of the two-seater market. Many flying schools are fond of this helicopter because it's economical by the hour. It has also been requested by some armies for reconnaissance or in drone construction programs.

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