Boeing models on Wingly

Boeing models

Boeing models

Boeing is an American global aviation giant. "Airbus is its only rival", the European giant. Boeing was founded in 1916 in Seattle, not far from where its largest factory (Everett) is located today.

Boeing is not only active in commercial aviation. Since the launch of Boeing Defense, Space & Security, the company is the third largest military sales force in the world.

Among Boeing's best-known products is the 737, a jetliner that has sold more than 15,000 units worldwide (second only to the Airbus A320). The 777 is a jumbo jet with two very large jet engines, also one of the best-selling of its kind in history. The 747 and 787 have also left their mark on aviation. In recent years, the 737 MAX has encountered several problems that benefit rival Airbus.

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