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Castles from the air Sightseeing for up to 5

5 Passagiere max. • 1h 30m Flugzeit Piper PA32 Cherokee Six


Du wirst von Camberley aus fliegen und wieder zurück. Genieße dabei die tollen Landschaften und Aussichten auf dem Weg.

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Der Pilot fliegt in seiner Freizeit und zahlt seinen Anteil beim Flug auf Kostenteilungsbasis mit.

Ab £121 pro Person


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This is a great trip for up to 5 passengers (minimum 4). Come with me to see some castles such as Highclere (a Victorian country house and the setting for Downton Abbey) and Donnington (a ruined medieval castle founded in 1386). We will also be passing Newbury Racecourse, many lovely fields, lakes and so much more! After a short briefing, we will be taking to the skies in a Piper Cherokee Six, departing Blackbushe and heading west. This aircraft has six seats and a low-wing configuration. ...


Highclere Castle, Highclere, Newbury, UK
Donnington Castle, Castle Lane, Donnington, Newbury, UK
Newbury Racecourse, Racecourse Road, Newbury, UK

Du fliegst mit Emmanuel

Mitglied seit 2020

Verifiziert von Wingly

Unser Team hat die Lizenz und das Medical des Piloten geprüft.


Der Pilot fliegt in seiner Freizeit und zahlt seinen Anteil beim Flug auf Kostenteilungsbasis mit.


327 Gesamtflugstunden • 26 Flugstunden in den letzten 12 Monaten

Hi, I'm Emmanuel and I've been flying for over 10 years and just love it! I've visited places that I would never have visited otherwise. Let's go together and explore some more! Departures are from near Guildford, which is great for visiting almost anywhere, including the Channel Islands and France. There are so many destinations to chose from! I've flown to places as far west as the Isles of Scilly, as far north as the fjords in Norway, as far east as Hamburg (Germany) and as far south as ...

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Schenke deinen Liebsten ein einzigartiges Erlebnis in einem Privatflugzeug

  • Wähle einen bestimmten Flug damit dein Geschenk noch persönlicher wird
  • Gültig für ein Jahr und während der Gültigkeit verlängerbar
  • Die beschenkte Person kann den Wert der Geschenkkarte auf alle Flüge anwenden
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5.0 • 43 Bewertungen
  • Federico

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Excursion: Lunch on the Isle of Wight for up to 5 people

    What a day with Emmanuel flying over the Isle of Wight, we did enjoy it so much. The family was over the moon and we love to fly with Emmanuel showing us so many interesting places.

  • Morgan

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Excursion flight from Woking with Morgan

    A great flight!

  • Jason

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Excursion flight from Woking with Jason

    Emmanuel flew my family on a sightseeing tour of the Jurassic coast followed by a stop in Bembridge for lunch / beach walk, and then back to FairOaks. We had an absolutely fantastic day. From the first email Emmanuel was responsive, flexible and provided great advice on how to make the best of our day. This was the first time my children have flown and Emmanuel was engaged and caring putting them at easy and giving us all lots of information through the day. Emmanuel is highly professional and v...

  • Mark

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Castles from the air Sightseeing for up to 5

    A excellent day my family thoroughly loved ever second, Emmanuel was very informative and professional yet easy to talk to and extremely knowledgable and enthusiastic we can’t praise highly enough what a great pleasure today has been And we will be doing it again, maybe France next trip Thank you so much Emmanuel

  • Duncan

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Coastal tour + Lunch on Isle of Wight for 5 pax

    Emmanuel was an excellent pilot, guide and host. He was very understanding of the needs of my senior parents and helped them settle into the plane. He was able to point out landmarks on the ground and was apologetic of the slight turbulence. The flight route was adjusted to fly over both our homes in Petersfield. His recommendation for lunch in Bembridge was excellent and we had about three hours on the ground for said lunch, a stroll and swim. I would highly recommend flying with Emmanuel and ...

Gut zu wissen


Die Gesamterlebnisdauer ist 1h 30m und setzt sich aus Briefings und 1h 30m Flugzeit zusammen.


Für diesen Flug werden gute Wetterbedingungen benötigt. Ansonsten muss der Pilot deine Buchung eventuell verschieben oder stornieren.


Du kannst den Flug bis zu 24 Stunden vor Abflug stornieren.


Nimm gerne deine Kamera und Sonnenbrille mit an Bord.

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5.0 • 43 Bewertungen
Ab £121 pro Person

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