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Private Flyer and Golf exhibition at Wycombe Air Park

2 Passagiere max. • 1h Flugzeit Cessna 182T Skylane


Du wirst von North Weald Bassett nach Marlow fliegen, dort eine Zwischenlandung genießen und danach zurückfliegen.

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Der Pilot fliegt in seiner Freizeit und bietet Flüge auf Kostenteilungsbasis an.

Ab £137 pro Person


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Private Flyer and Golf exhibition at Wycombe Air Park. 2 seats available. Date: Saturday 18 May 2024 Meet-up time is 08:30 at North Weald Airfield. Take off time is 09:00. Estimated return by 17:00 latest. Meet at North Weald at 08:30 latest.


  1. Abflugsort
    North Weald Bassett, North Weald Airfield (EGSX)
  2. Destination
    Marlow, Wycombe Air Park (EGTB)
  3. Rückflug
    North Weald Bassett, North Weald Airfield (EGSX)

Du fliegst mit Ian

Mitglied seit 2016

Verifiziert von Wingly

Unser Team hat die Lizenz und das Medical des Piloten geprüft.


Der Pilot fliegt in seiner Freizeit und bietet Flüge auf Kostenteilungsbasis an.


2470 Gesamtflugstunden • 60 Flugstunden in den letzten 12 Monaten

I have always been interested in aircraft and gained my FAA Pilots licence in 1980. I have accumulated about 2300 flying hours on light aircraft and received my AOPA Platinum Wings in 2016. I fly a Cessna 182.

Verschenke ein persönliches Erlebnis

Schenke deinen Liebsten ein einzigartiges Erlebnis in einem Privatflugzeug

  • Wähle einen bestimmten Flug damit dein Geschenk noch persönlicher wird
  • Gültig für ein Jahr und während der Gültigkeit verlängerbar
  • Die beschenkte Person kann den Wert der Geschenkkarte auf alle Flüge anwenden
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5.0 • 16 Bewertungen
  • John

    5 von 5 Sternen

    The Wingly Fly-in at Blackbushe Airfield

    Had a very good experience after a lapse of 10+ years from private flight. Ian was on top of things in the cockpit, and in the calm weather and good vis the flights proceeded very comfortably. We enjoyed meeting the folks at Wingly's fly-in, and for my part it was a revelation to find how much digital displays and control inputs are now used - in contrast to the round dials, etc of yore ! I look forward to the possibility of flying with Ian again sometime soon.

  • Charmaine

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Lovely flight over the white cliffs of Dover to Calais (NOT CURRENTLY BOOKABLE)

    Ian was my pilot for my trip to Calais which was a birthday surprise for my partner. Me and my partner received such good accommodation and care whilst under his wing. He was very informative and gave us a truly unforgettable experience. Thank you very much Ian!

  • Jamie

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Return flight to Blackbushe airfield.

    Fantastic Day! Finally we had break in the weather and I was able to make the journey to North Weald Airfield to where I met Ian. Clear precise instructions on how to reach his aircraft! We met at 10:00 sharp to where he showed me around his beautiful Cessna 182, he demonstrated pre flight checks before we had a briefing on what and where we were going. He had printed out Flight plans for me to keep and use whilst flying. We went to Blackbushe just south west of London, a lovely airf...

  • Keith

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Sightseeing flight - specifically for Keith and his grandchildren

    It was a great day well planned and executed. My wife and our friend loved the trip. One of the ladies was nervous before the flight but Ian gave her full confidence

  • Brian

    5 von 5 Sternen

    Flight to AeroExpo UK at Booker Airfield

    Had a very good day flight with Ian to the AeroExpo UK. Ian was slick and very professional, looked after me well as a first-time flier in a small aircraft. The flight was very well prepared, and Ian talked through the safety and the interesting avionics. The small Cessna flies a lot more stable and more comfortable than I thought it will be. As a passenger and as an aviation enthusiast, that was easily one of the best days in my life. Thanks Ian!

Gut zu wissen


Die Gesamterlebnisdauer ist 8h und setzt sich aus Briefings und 1h Flugzeit zusammen.


Für diesen Flug werden gute Wetterbedingungen benötigt. Ansonsten muss der Pilot deine Buchung eventuell verschieben oder stornieren.


Du kannst den Flug bis zu 24 Stunden vor Abflug stornieren.


Nimm gerne deine Kamera und Sonnenbrille mit an Bord.

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Bestens geschützt und unterstützt

Alle Wingly Flüge sind automatisch durch unsere Allianz Versicherung für Ansprüche bis zu € 1.000.000,- abgesichert, welche sowohl alle Passagiere als auch das Gepäck umfasst.

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5.0 • 16 Bewertungen
Ab £137 pro Person

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